Virtually 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Treatment can exist long, awkward, and on that point are no guarantees. For some women who are diagnosed with breast cancer and the people who love them, musical accompaniment is crucial.

When a sad disease affects so many people, it creates communities paperbacked by struggle and wallow. You reckon it in the pink ribbons and the fundraisers for breast cancer research. You also see it online.

We've assembled the best breast malignant neoplastic disease Twitter accounts. They offer education, research updates, and an online community for anyone who cares or so white meat cancer and the people it affects.

Ann Silberman is sustenance with metastatic breast malignant neoplastic disease and has been for several years. Her blog and her Twitter write u are where you seat line up out nearly the latest developments in breast cancer treatments, her personal life, and the occasional dose of humor.

Follow her @butdocihatepink

Breast cancer survivor Barbara Jacoby is the blogger tail end Let Life history Fall out. On Twitter, she actively shares the latest in breast cancer research, advocacy, and new posts from her blog.

BBeth Jo has been surviving with cancer since 2008. Connected Chirrup, she chronicles her daily life with the disease, sharing photos of her treatments and doctors, too as articles and breast cancer news.

The BCA Campaign was launched aside Estèe Lauder to help raise awareness for breast cancer. On Chitter, they share a motle of breast cancer handling and enquiry news, fundraising announcements, and healthy diet tips.

Follow them @BCAcampaign

Breast Cancer Action is a diverse kind of boob cancer organization, with a cente activism. They date breast malignant neoplastic disease as a social justice issue and consider themselves a guard dog organization to keep unusual groups and policy makers accountable for the decisions they defecate.

Play along them @BCAction

People livelihood with breast cancer require the support of those who concern, whether IT's friends, family, or checkup professionals. Boob Cancer Care is an brass which provides additional support to patients in the U.K., but their Chirrup handle has international impact, sharing articles and inspirational words to retain you loss.

Comply them @BCCare

The Breast Cancer Fund is a nonprofit ordained to helping people lower their hazard of developing titty cancer aside reducing their exposure to deadly chemicals and materials. You'll find links to important articles on their Twitter feed besides as the science to back those articles raised.

Espouse them @breastcancerfnd

Breast Cancer Now is the U.K.'s biggest tit cancer nonprofit, with a focus on funding search for better treatments, earlier detection, and a cure for breast cancer. On Twitter, they share a ton of information, photos, and notices about upcoming events.

Follow them @breastcancernow is 1 of the all but popular online sources for breast Cancer the Crab information. It's a nonprofit dedicated to sharing dead-on and up-to-date information, and along Twitter, they portion out links to their latest contributions, including articles about breast cancer discourse, personal stories, and tips for early breast cancer detection.

Surveil them @breastcancerorg

They order archeozoic detection is the key to bosom cancer survival. Bright Ping is an organization dedicated to prevention and archeozoic detection through education. Their tweets cover everything related breast cancer and ovarian cancer, with frequent calls to action for you to get committed.

Follow her @BeBrightPink

Keep a Breast is a unique breast cancer organization that speaks specifically to teens and 20-somethings. By informing the young, the nonprofit hopes to help promote early detection and better outcomes for people who already have titty cancer.

Follow them @keepabreast

In the fight against breast cancer, male victims are often overlooked. Created in association with a documentary by the same name, this account shares personalized stories of men who are living with breast Crab, stories that bring the less talked about universe taboo of the shadows.

Follow them @MHBTmovie

"Medical News show Today" specializes in producing adequate the minute content concerning the world of health chec research and news show. This Twitter handle is dedicated to sharing all that pertains to breast cancer. If you privation access to the latest breast cancer research and academic studies, this is a great put to lead off.

Follow them @mnt_breastcance

Nancy Stordahl was diagnosed with breast cancer simply two long time after she lost her father to the disease. She is a author and blogger who focuses on breast cancer survivorship. Her Chirrup account isn't only ill-used to share her own posts, but relevant posts from around the web.

Follow her @NancysPoint

The National Breast Cancer the Crab Foundation is all about educating the state-supported, providing abide, and promoting early detection. Their Twitter page is a great place to find what's going on in their fundraising effort, but we especially corresponding the personal stories of survival.

Follow them @NBCF

Nic McLean is a breast cancer survivor, advocate, and the blogger behind My Fabulous Boobies. On Chitter, she shares her thoughts and experiences, with many incidental to breast cancer. We love the assortment, personality, and passion that comes out in her tweets.

Follow her @nic_mclean

Many women with breast cancer are involuntary to undergo singular or double mastectomies, and Personal Ink understands the struggle with self-image issues few of them have during and subsequently recovery. The organization connects these women with tattoo artists, and shares photos of some of the art that arises from these partnerships.

Follow them @Personal_Ink

Remember Betty is a Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae started by other Spic-and-span Kids on the Block member Danny Wood in remembrance of his mother, Betty, who died of breast cancer in 1999. The charity now raises money to ply financial defend to others with breast Crab, and shares information about upcoming fundraisers.

Accompany them @RememberBetty

Rethink Breast Malignant neoplastic disease works to raise white meat cancer awareness among young women. In an effort to increase the support and survival rates of Cy Young women with breast cancer, the organization shares educational tweets, inspirational thoughts, and personal stories of endurance.

Come after them @rethinktweet

Susan G. Komen is one of the major fundraising and advocacy groups for bosom cancer. Their active Twitter handle shares the current news in search, fundraising and awareness events, and supportive messages for people living with bosom Crab.

Follow them @SusanGKomen

Breast cancer is a scary diagnosis, but when you're pregnant, the fear isn't only if for your own life. Roxanne Martinez was diagnosed with triple-negative white meat cancer while she was pregnant, and underwent chemotherapy and a mastectomy while carrying her daughter.

Follow her @TeamR0XY